Term 1, Week 4, 2021
Principal's Message
Ash Wednesday
Ice Cream Fundraiser
Term 1 Swimming Program
Weekly Awards
Library Day - Wednesday
School Uniform Items Available
School Bus Travel
School Drive Subsidy
Head Lice
Soccer Registrations Open
Working With Children Check
COVID Student Attendance
Updated Bell Times
Term 1 School Fees
Dorrigo Rangers Rugby Club Registration
Nutrition Snippet
Principal's Message

Dear Parents,
This week we have moved into Lent. Lent is a time of self-examination, self-denial and deep contemplation about the mystery and grace of God's mercy as we prepare for the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ at Easter. It asks us to grow closer to God. Hopefully you can talk to your children about what they can do during Lent to turn back to God.
On Tuesday we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by having pancakes at recess.
It has been great to hear that many parents have met with the teachers as we work to set up the year. During these meetings, we are trying to find out more about our students. This will enable us to guide their learning most effectively this year. The Stage 2 parent meetings will be rescheduled to Tuesday 2nd March. A note will come home to enable parents to arrange a time to meet with your child's teacher if your child is in Stage 2.
Nathan Trezise

We are honoured to be on the ancestral lands of the Gumbaynggirr people. We acknowledge the First Australians as the traditional custodians of the continent, whose cultures are among the oldest living cultures in human history. We pay respect to the Elders of the community and extend our recognition to their descendants who are present.
Ash Wednesday

At our prayer service for Ash Wednesday this week children made sacrifice beads. These beads are a symbol to help remind us to take time to pray this Lent, because without God’s help we can’t be our best selves. Prayer is our time to be still in the presence of God. It is our time to take our joys, our fears and our desires to Him and be recharged for the journey ahead.
The beads also remind us to build better relationships by putting others first and being aware of the needs of those we love. These beads help us to look back through our day and recognise times when we chose to act in a spirit of kindness and care for others. This simple examen shows us that in every action and interaction of the day we make choices, and this Lent with God’s help we can do our small part... ‘to make God’s kingdom come’.
Ice Cream Fundraiser

The Stage 3 class is holding an ice-cream fundraiser next Thursday 25th February to raise money for their excursion to Canberra. An ice-cream cone for recess will cost $2. Order forms will be sent home next week - please return your order form along with the correct money to school by Tuesday of next week.
Term 1 Swimming Program
Swimming lessons are held each Friday. Swimming is a compulsory part of the PDHPE curriculum. Students will need to bring swimmers, a towel, goggles, a cap and a sun shirt for their lesson. There is no cost for swimming lessons, as the school covers the pool entry fees and payments to the swim teachers. Swimming lessons will take place each Friday in Term 1 at the following times:
Stage 3 at 1pm
Stage 2 at 1.40pm
K - 2 at 2.20pm
Students will walk to and from the pool. Please note, K - 2 students are to be collected from the pool at the end of the day each Friday as their lesson will finish at 3pm. Due to Covid regulations Tracey has asked that parents pick their children up from outside the pool. K - 2 students catching buses will be supervised at Dorrigo Public School by our staff.
Weekly Awards
This week's class awards went to:
Pele Coello - for completing all tasks to a high standard.
Adaline Lowe - for participating in all class activities with enthusiasm.
Ethan Miller - for your amazing reading. You are trying so hard to sound out words and use pictures to help you. Keep it up.
Jinky Ware - for the effort you put into your writing each day. You include lots of information. Keep it up!
Harry Colley - for extending KTK (Kids Tutoring Kids) time to cater for the K/1/2 children who needed more time to complete their husky drawings. Well done!
Cash Gibson - for extending KTK (Kids Tutoring Kids) time to cater for the K/1/2 children who needed more time to complete their husky drawings. Well done!
Library Day - Wednesday
Library day for all students is Wednesday - please make sure your child brings in his or her cloth library bag on this day. Each student may borrow four books per week.

School Uniform Items Available

We have a stock of school uniform items available for purchase from the front office. We accept cash, cheque or bank transfer. Uniform prices are as follows:
School hats - $15
School shirts - $25
Skorts - $20
Shorts - $20
Rain jackets - $50
We also have some items available to buy from our 2nd-hand uniform pool.
School Bus Travel
Applications for student travel can now apply online. A new
School Drive Subsidy
The School Drive Subsidy is available for eligible school students where there is no public transport available for all or part of the journey. If you have to drive your child more than 1.6km to a school bus stop, you may be eligible for this subsidy – go to the link below to apply.
Head Lice
If you notice head lice on your child, please treat his or her hair ASAP and notify the school that you did this. Remember – long hair must be tied back at school.
Soccer Registrations Open

The Dorrigo Highlanders Football Club is now taking registrations for Miniroos, Juniors, Intermediate and Senior players in the 2021 North Coast Football season. Player registrations are also needed to fill a Mixed 14s team. Register online at www.playfootball.com.au with your Active Kids Voucher. The NCF season for community club football begins Saturday 13 March.
Thank you to this week’s canteen volunteers, who were Laura Williams, Amii Francis & Alicia Miller, and our muffin-baker Cathy Marsden. If anyone is available to volunteer in our canteen one or more Fridays per term, please contact our canteen co-ordinator Alicia on 0488 280683. If we have no volunteers available we will have to cancel canteen for that week.
Please note - if you top up your canteen account via bank transfer, the funds will take a week to clear so you will not be able to order canteen immediately.
Please send your lunch wallets into school and we will keep them here.

Working With Children Check
For those parents who are volunteers at school, such as canteen helpers, we need to ensure that you have a current Working with Children (Volunteers) Check. To apply for this check, go to
COVID Student Attendance
Staff and students exhibiting even mild COVID-19 symptoms should be sent home and are required to produce proof of a negative COVID-19 test before returning to school.
As per these guidelines, a screenshot of the text message, confirming a Negative result, is all that will be required to return to school.
Updated Bell Times
This year we have modified our bell times. The current times are as follows:
8:55 am - 11:00 am English Block
11:00 am - 11:15 am Lunch (children sit and eat)
11:15 am - 11:35 am Lunch Play
11:35 am - 12:55 pm Mathematics Block
12:55 pm - 1:05 pm Recess (children sit and eat)
1:05 pm - 1:20 pm Recess Play
1:20 pm - 3:05 pm Other Key Learning Areas (Science, Arts, History etc)
Term 1 School Fees
SCHOOL FEES: Term 1 school fee accounts have been sent home. Term 1 fees are payable by Friday 19th March, unless you are paying by regular direct deposit amounts.
Several payment methods are available;
- Regular direct deposit payments (see suggested amounts below).
- Lump sum direct deposit
- Cash
- Cheque
If you are planning to set up regular direct deposit school fee payments for the 2020 school year, following are instructions on how to do this:
Suggested direct deposit amounts (from beginning of February 2020)
1 student - Term 1 - $326.00 (includes $50 resource fee per student)
Terms 2, 3 & 4 - $276.00
$46.16 per fortnight (x 25 fortnights)
$23.08 per week (x 50 weeks)
2 students – Term 1 - $583.00 (includes $50 resource fee per student)
Terms 2, 3 & 4 - $483.00 per term
$81.28 per fortnight (x 25 fortnights)
$40.64 per week (x 50 weeks)
3 or more students – Term 1 - $771.00 (includes $50 resource fee per student)
Terms 2, 3 & 4 – $621.00
$105.36 per fortnight (x 25 fortnights)
$52.68 per week (x 50 weeks)
If you would like to arrange a regular direct debit payment from your Bananacoast Credit Union account into the school’s account, the BCU Credit Union in Dorrigo will organize this for you.
When using Internet banking, please use your child’s surname as a reference.
Banancoast Community Credit Union BSB no. 533-000
Account no. 3282 0430 Name: Mt St John’s Primary School
GLUE: "God Loves Us Eternally" (formerly GFS) is on each Wednesday from 3-5pm at the Anglican Hall. Afternoon tea, games, fun worship and craft. All primary kids welcome, as are newcomers. For more info, ring Gwenneth on 6657 2135. COVID-safe practices will apply.
Dorrigo Rangers Rugby Club Registration

Nutrition Snippet