Term 2 - Week 9, 2022
Principal's Message
Week 10 Canteen Menu
NAIDOC Celebrations at MSJ - Friday 1st July
Stage 1 Excursion to Ebor Trout Hatchery
Zone Athletics Carnival
2022 Premier's Reading Challenge
Term 2 School Fees
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
2022 Dorrigo Show Schedule Cover Competition
School Facebook Page
Library Day - Wednesday
School Bus Travel
School Drive Subsidy
Dorrigo Youth Centre Holiday Activities
Made in Dorrigo Markets - 9th July
GLUE & Messy Church
Winter School Holidays Kids' Activities at Dorrigo National Park
Service NSW - Mobile Centre coming to Dorrigo
Instrumental Music With Hazel
Dorrigo Rangers Rugby Union
Bellingen/Dorrigo Junior Rugby League
Soccer Training - Wednesdays
July School Holiday Activities @ Dorrigo Library
Healthy Lunchbox Website
Principal's Message

Dear Parents,
It was so good to see so many parents out supporting the children at last Friday’s Combined Schools Athletics Carnival. I need to acknowledge and thank Kim Brady for her organisation of this day. Kim did a tremendous amount of work in the lead-up to this event to ensure it ran smoothly. My thanks also go to the many parents who volunteered to help on the day; we couldn’t have done it without the time-keepers, canteen organisers and field event assistants.
Our presentation of ribbons and age champions from the Combined Schools Athletics Carnival will take place at Monday’s assembly at 2:45pm. Parents and supporters are most welcome to attend.
Athletics Carnival action

On Tuesday next week, we have the New England Conservatory of Music visiting our school. The whole school will be treated to a musical performance from a piano trio. Parents and younger siblings are welcome to attend. We have partnered with the New England Conservatory this term for K - 2 and have followed some virtual music activities under their direction. This performance commences at 9am in the Stage 2 and 3 room.
Finally, please note the Compass News I wrote recently about the end of term 2.
Next Friday 1st July is the last day of Term 2.
We have a Staff Development Day on Monday 18th July which is a pupil-free day.
Term 3 commences on Tuesday 19th July.
Nathan Trezise,
We are honoured to be on the ancestral lands of the Gumbaynggirr people. We acknowledge the First Australians as the traditional custodians of the continent, whose cultures are among the oldest living cultures in human history. We pay respect to the Elders of the community and extend our recognition to their descendants who are present.
Week 10 Canteen Menu
We have changed the canteen order cut-off time to Thursday mornings at 8:30am to make ordering easier for parents who work late. Ordering is through the Compass parent portal - we are no longer taking cash sales on the day.
Next Friday's canteen menu will be:
Chocolate chip muffin (GF option available) - $1.50
Cordial - 50c
Milo (cold) - 50c
Mini cheeseburger $2.50
Ham, pineapple & cheese open melt (GF option available) - $2.00
Cordial - 50c
Milo (cold) - 50c
NAIDOC Celebrations at MSJ - Friday 1st July
On the last day of Term 2, Friday 1st July, we are celebrating NAIDOC. National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
Staff and students, please wear Red, Black and Yellow to school on this day.
Uncle Allan Phillips will be visiting to have a yarn and do some art with us. We will have some outdoor games and also some craft activities.
The theme this year is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

Stage 1 Excursion to Ebor Trout Hatchery
As part of their Science unit this term on features of animals and their environments, the Stage 1 class will be visiting the Dutton Trout Hatchery in Ebor next Wednesday 29th June. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the lifecycle of trout, their habitat and how the farm contributes to a sustainable food supply. We will be catching the Community bus to and from the farm. Lunch will be provided (BBQ sausage and bread). Students will need to supply their own recess, water bottle and Crunch&Sip. Full school uniform is to be worn, including the school hat. Make sure you take your winter jackets!
Zone Athletics Carnival
A permission form for this event has been sent to the parents/ guardians of our Zone Athletics team members via the Compass portal.
Date: Wednesday 20th July 2022 (Week 1, Term 3)
Venue: C.ex Coffs International Stadium, Stadium Drive, Coffs Harbour
Travel: Bus travel - Depart school: 7.30am, return to school: 4.00pm approx
Time: Start: 8:30am arrival for a 9am start, finish: approx 2.45pm
Clothing: Full school uniform, including hat, joggers, and sunscreen
Asthma: Children with asthma need to carry their puffers on them.
Lunches: Students should have plenty of food and water for the day. There are canteen facilities available.
Format: The first three placegetters in each track event and the first two placegetters in each field event will represent Clarence Zone at the Diocesan Carnival. At Zone level, High Jump and Discus are paper events to be considered for the Diocesan qualification. Competitors need to supply their Sports Coordinator with heights and distances (approved and signed by an Australian Little Athletics Coach).
Zone Team: Children successful on the day will need to be available to compete at the Diocesan Athletics Carnival, to be held at Coffs Harbour CEX International Stadium on Friday 12th August 2022 (back up date Tuesday 16th August). If you allow your child to compete at the Diocesan Carnival please understand that it is expected that they will attend future carnivals if they are successful. These carnivals will incur considerable expense and private travel arrangements will need to be made.
2022 Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 9, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools. You must read a certain number of books to complete the Challenge. The Challenge closes for students on Friday August 19, 2022.
Congratulations to the following students, who have completed this year's Premier's Reading Challenge: Rokko B, Chayse B, Charlotte B, Evie J, Abby T, Billie T, Ruby F, Shyla G, Ivy M, Evelyn B.

Term 2 School Fees
Term 2 school fees are now due, unless you are paying by regular direct debit amounts. Thank you to those familes who have already made payments.
1 student, Term 2 - $281.50
2 students, Term 2 - $492.60
3 or more students, Term 2- $633.50
Payment options are:
1. cash or cheque at school
2. using the Compass app
You can check your school fee balance and pay fees through the Compass app. Select more - school fees - arrow - next - and enter your credit card details. You have the option to pay in full or pay a portion of your fees.
3. direct deposit to the school's bank account (see instructions below)
When using Internet banking, please use your child’s surname as a reference.
Banancoast Community Credit Union
BSB no. 533-000
Account no. 3282 0430
Name: Mt St John’s Primary School
Remember, if you feel you will be unable to finalise your Term 2 school fees by this date, some financial assistance may be available from St Vincent de Paul - to make an appointment with them, call 0472 718862. You will need to take your school fee statement with you to your appointment.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place
every year. The NCCD is a collection that counts:
- the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability
- the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other
Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Schools provide this information to education authorities.
Please see the links below for more information.
2022 Dorrigo Show Schedule Cover Competition
This year the Show Society is confident that the Dorrigo Show will be happening on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 November 2022. Therefore, we ask as many students as possible to design and submit a Cover for our Schedule Cover competition.
The theme is Women in Agriculture, and there are gift vouchers and Showbags to be won. Not to mention the prestige of having your artwork on over 1000 Covers!
The competition is now open and will close at 5 pm on 31 July 2022. Please create your artwork on A4 Portrait paper, and contact Sally Duckett at dorrigoshowpresident@gmail.com or phone 02 6657 5241 when your artwork is ready for collection.
School Facebook Page

Check out our school Facebook page! It is wonderful to be able to share the good news of our school with our families and community.
Library Day - Wednesday

Library day for all students is Wednesday - please make sure your child brings in his or her cloth library bag on this day. Each student may borrow four books per week.
School Bus Travel
Applications for student travel can be made online. Apply here
School Drive Subsidy
The School Drive Subsidy is available for eligible school students where there is no public transport available for all or part of the journey. If you have to drive your child more than 1.6km to a school bus stop, you may be eligible for this subsidy – go to the link below to apply.
Dorrigo Youth Centre Holiday Activities
Dorrigo Youth Centre has some great school holiday activities planned - see flyers below for details. Bookings are essential for the Laser Tag and hike.
The Laser Tag is a community activity for ages 8 and up, with lunch provided by the Dorrigo Suicide Provention Network. Bookings are required so that we know numbers for both laser tag and lunch. We need as many adult supervisors as possible to make the Laser Tag event both safe and fun for all. If any parents are interested in assisting, please contact Nicola on 0438 766 491.

Made in Dorrigo Markets - 9th July

GLUE & Messy Church
GLUE "God Loves Us Eternally" (formerly GFS) is held each Wednesday during school terms from 3-5pm at the Anglican Hall. Afternoon tea, games, fun worship and craft. All primary kids welcome, as are newcomers. For more info, ring Gwenneth on 6657 2135. COVID-safe practices will apply.
Messy Church is a community event with a free dinner for families and children - see flyer below

Winter School Holidays Kids' Activities at Dorrigo National Park
These school holidays we invite your families to book into our Kids Gondwana Nature Play sessions on Tuesdays 5th and 12th July 10a-11a and 11:30a-12:30p. Suitable for children 5-8 years old, only $10 per child, activities will be guided by the lovely Ranger Nat and will include fun nature games, leaf litter exploration and the creation of a unique clay critter to take home!
Drop off the kids and enjoy your own quiet stroll in the Dorrigo Rainforest, perhaps join a short guided Gondwana Rainforest tour (run on the hour), or sit back and enjoy a cuppa at the café. Come and see the upgraded track and new Balaminda platform, you may even spot a new installation by the very talented Nick Warfield.
We look forward to seeing you in our unique Gondwana World Heritage Rainforest at Dorrigo National Park these holidays.

Service NSW - Mobile Centre coming to Dorrigo
Service NSW is coming to Dorrigo in our Mobile Service Centre on Wednesday 13th July 2022.
A friendly reminder that our dedicated Service NSW team on board can provide support across a broad range of services:
- Roads & Maritime Services (including licence and registration renewals and applications).
- Processing of NSW Fitness to Drive Medical Assessments and Mobility Parking Applications.
- Processing of RSA and RCG cards.
- Undertaking Driver Knowledge Tests.
- Births, Deaths and Marriages (including birth, marriage, death and change of name certificates).
- Application and Renewal of Working with Children Checks on behalf of Office of Children’s Guardian.
- Regional Seniors Travel Card Applications
- Stay NSW Voucher Applications
Our Mobile Service Centre is a cashless facility and will accept payment by credit/debit cards or cheques.
Please check the Service NSW website for the latest information on service locations and our up-to-date trading hours at www.service.nsw.gov.au/msc.
Please contact 13 77 88 or email MobileServiceCentres@service.nsw.gov.au for any further information or to answer any questions you may have.

Instrumental Music With Hazel
Hazel Buchanan is offering individual music lessons on Friday afternoons at school again this year, and currently has a couple of spaces. Hazel teaches woodwind, brass and piano. For more details, please call Hazel on 0458 572525.
Dorrigo Rangers Rugby Union

Bellingen/Dorrigo Junior Rugby League

Soccer Training - Wednesdays
- Quolls (Under 12s) - 5:15pm
- Wallabies (Under 10s) - 4:00pm
- Sugargliders (Under 8s) - 4:00pm
- Miniroos - 3:30pm (from 30th March)
July School Holiday Activities @ Dorrigo Library
Below is a poster for the July school holiday activities at Dorrigo Library. There is a great event in the first week for children aged 10-18 and the second week is for children aged 5-10.

Healthy Lunchbox Website
Cancer Council’s Healthy Lunch Box website is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about packing a healthy lunch box. For recipes, information and health tips please visit the website below.