Term 3 - Week 8, 2022
Principal's Message
Statement from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Weekly Awards
Trivia Night
Thursday Canteen in Week 10
Enrolments Now Open for 2023
Pupil-Free Staff Development Day
Healthy Harold Visit
How to Cancel a Canteen Order
School Facebook Page
Library Day - Wednesday
School Bus Travel
School Drive Subsidy
Instrumental Music With Hazel
Service NSW Visits
Healthy Lunchbox Website
Principal's Message

We are honoured to be on the ancestral lands of the Gumbaynggirr people. We acknowledge the First Australians as the traditional custodians of the continent, whose cultures are among the oldest living cultures in human history. We pay respect to the Elders of the community and extend our recognition to their descendants who are present.
Statement from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
The death of Queen Elizabeth II, after a long reign marked by extraordinary constancy, fidelity, courage and service, will bring great sadness to many people in Australia, including members of the Catholic community.
As the Queen enters into the great mystery of eternal life with the Lord, we will pray for the repose of her soul and for the support and comfort of her family, her nation and the wider community of the Commonwealth.
Queen Elizabeth was never reticent about acknowledging her Christian faith. Her annual Christmas message invariably focused on Jesus Christ as a model of humble and generous service. It was a model she strived to emulate throughout her long life. May she rest in peace.
September 9, 2022
Weekly Awards
Congratulations to the following students, who received class awards this week:
Rokko B - for your wonderful reverence and calmness during Christian Meditation
Abby T - for your hard work in Maths when sharing out collections and being able to talk about your thinking
Hunter G - for your amazing reading in our Learning Assembly today. Thank you!
Keira T - for your great work in Mathematics today. Great work finding the area of 2 objects in the room. Well done!
Jinky W - for being a co-operative learner in Maths warm-ups
Cooper H - for creating an entertaining and well-constructed speech
Evelyn B - for giving 100% effort to all tasks and developing independent learning behaviours when completing tasks on Google Classroom
Trivia Night
We are hosting a trivia night to build connections with our families next Tuesday 13th September. Teams can be up to 6 people. Some teachers and other staff will be available to join your team. There will be fun games to play in between rounds. Questions will be suitable for Kindergarten students up to Year 6.
Cost: $5 per person - includes dinner & dessert. This can be paid on the night.
Please RSVP by Monday 12th September for catering purposes via the Compass parent portal.
5:00pm - Dinner served
5:45 - Trivia begins
7:00pm - Finish
Dinner Menu
Pizza (GF options available)
- ham & cheese
- chicken with bbq sauce
- roast pumpkin, spinach & feta
- meat lovers
Garlic bread
Spinach & bacon slice (GF)
Ice-cream in a cone (children)
Selection of tarts
** This will be an alcohol-free event.
We are really enjoying our tennis lessons - fortunately it cleared up in time for today's lessons!

Thursday Canteen in Week 10
As the last Friday of term is a pupil-free staff development day, we will be holding canteen on Thursday that week (Thursday 22 Sept). Ordering will be via the Compass app as normal.
Instead of having our regular menu, for a set cost of $5 students will receive recess and lunch, consisting of:
Recess - various home-baked goods (GF available) and a mug of fruit cordial
Lunch - sausage sandwich (GF available) and a mug of fruit cordial plus an icy-tube.
Enrolments Now Open for 2023
Enrolments are now open for Kindergarten and all other grades for 2023. Please call the school on 6657 2552 to request an enrolment pack. When you have returned your completed application form to the school, you and your child will be invited to attend an enrolment interview. In Term 4, we will schedule some Kindergarten orientation dates to support the students to transition to school. We look forward to meeting our new students in the coming weeks.
Pupil-Free Staff Development Day
Please note that the last day of Term 3 for students will be Thursday 22nd September. We have a pupil free day at the end of term for our Staff Spirituality Day.
Healthy Harold Visit
The Life Education van came to our school on Tuesday & Wednesday this week. I imagine many of our parents can remember meeting Healthy Harold as students too! Life Education has been supporting the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of children and young Australians for over 40 years. They do this by delivering best practice and curriculum aligned programs to thousands of preschools and primary schools reaching over 700,000 children aged 3-13 every year. They partner with schools, and parents, to deliver interactive and fun educational lessons that empower children and young people to make safer, healthier and happier choices.
For more information, visit the Life Education website using the link below.

How to Cancel a Canteen Order
If you need to, you can cancel canteen orders before 8:30am on Friday mornings. If you know your child is going to be away you can go into Compass Canteen and select "cancel order". The money goes back into your Compass "wallet" so you can use it next time you order.
School Facebook Page

Check out our school Facebook page! It is wonderful to be able to share the good news of our school with our families and community.
Library Day - Wednesday

Library day for all students is Wednesday - please make sure your child brings in his or her cloth library bag on this day. Each student may borrow four books per week.
School Bus Travel
Applications for student travel can be made online. Apply here
School Drive Subsidy
The School Drive Subsidy is available for eligible school students where there is no public transport available for all or part of the journey. If you have to drive your child more than 1.6km to a school bus stop, you may be eligible for this subsidy – go to the link below to apply.
GLUE "God Loves Us Eternally" KidsClub is held each Wednesday during school terms from 3-5pm at the Anglican Hall. Afternoon tea, games, fun worship and craft. All primary kids welcome, as are newcomers. For more info, ring Gwenneth on 6657 2135. COVID-safe practices will apply.
The next Messy Church ("Messy Seas") will be held this Sunday 11th September from 4-6pm in the Anglican Church. Dinner will be provided - see flyer below.

Instrumental Music With Hazel
Hazel Buchanan is offering individual music lessons on Friday afternoons at school again this year, and currently has a couple of spaces. Hazel teaches woodwind, brass and piano. For more details, please call Hazel on 0458 572525.
Service NSW Visits
Service NSW will be back in Dorrigo and Bellingen on the following dates:
Dorrigo – Wednesday 21st September between 10:00am and 3:00pm in front of The Cheeky Sparrow Café, Hickory St, Dorrigo.
Bellingen – Thursday 22nd September between 9:00am and 3:00pm at St Andrews Church, 28 Hyde St, Bellingen.

Healthy Lunchbox Website
Cancer Council’s Healthy Lunch Box website is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about packing a healthy lunch box. For recipes, information and health tips please visit the website below.