Term 4 - Week 10, 2022
Principal's Message

Dear Parents,
This is our final newsletter for the year. I congratulate the students on their learning, their growth and their achievements for this year. It has been especially pleasing to view their report cards and read about their development this year. I wish you all a happy and Holy Christmas and look forward to supporting their learning in 2023.
On Monday we held our Awards Assembly. We congratulate the following students on being our Major Award recipients for 2022:
Year 5 Writing Award - Ivy Mila
Year 6 Camp Creative, Bryce Courtney Award - Harry Colley
Sister Mary Blanch Award
Junior School - Piper Boutell
Senior School - Evelyn Beaumont
Father Jim Reilly Award
Junior School - Lakota Miller Thompson
Senior School - Abbi and Willa Maples (joint winners)
RSL Award - Dorrigo RSL Australia Remembers Award for Effort & Achievement
Cooper Harrison
At our assembly on Monday, we drew the prizes for our raffle, which we held to raise money to build a basketball court. I am pleased to announce that we raised $1020 through this raffle. Our thanks go to the families who supported this initiative.
The winners were:
Garmin watch - Fiona Corfe
Garmin watch - Hugh Thomas
Cool Cabanna - Menzies family
Miscellaneous prizes - Fiona Corfe, Pat Brady, Jay Driscoll, Keira Turner, Sean Pearsen, Lulu, Lindsay Guest.
Please note, school resumes on Wednesday 1st February 2023 for all students in Kindergarten to Year 6.
Nathan Trezise,
Made in Dorrigo Market Stall
Last Saturday as you know we had a stall at the Made In Dorrigo Market, which was very successful. It was great to see so many familiar faces out and about. The sense of community was really great to experience.
The stall was made possible by the contribution of a team of people who did a great job. The Mini Vinnies and Craft Club members, alongside the staff members, devoted their lunchtimes to making Christmas ornaments and cards as well as delicious treats. Thank you to everyone who played a part in the background and on the day. We managed to raise a total of $480, $200 of which will be donated to St Vincent De Paul in Dorrigo and $280 which will be donated to Pete's Place in Coffs Harbour to purchase a backpack bed for the homeless. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Wishing all of our families a Merry Christmas and a restful holiday,
Louise Sprowles - LOSEC

Community Carols on the Hill
Our thanks go to the students who attended Carols on the Hill on Sunday. It was great to see a number of students perform at this event. It was a fantastic celebration of the coming together of the churches in Dorrigo. Our thanks go to Reverend Mike and his team for their organisation of the evening.