Term 2 - Week 7, 2023
Principal's Message
Weekly Awards
Canteen on THURSDAY Next Week
2023 Parish Athletics Carnival
Project Compassion
Mini Vinnies Jumper Drive
Polding Trials - Girls Rugby 7s
Term 2 School Fees
2023 Premier's Reading Challenge
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
How to Cancel a Canteen Order
School Facebook Page
Library Day - Wednesday
School Bus Travel
School Drive Subsidy
North Coast Health Connect
Bellingen Readers & Writers Festival Free Children’s Events
Games afternoon @Dorrigo Library
Healthy Lunchbox Website
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week it was mentioned that the school is forming a new Parent Representative model. Unfortunately we’ve hit some obstacles so it will be placed on hold for a few weeks. Thank you for your patience, we will get back to you as soon as possible with the way forward.
Yesterday the children in Mrs Beaumont’s class had a wonderful visit from Reece Carter, a visiting author from Sydney. His primary school growing up in rural WA was the same size as MSJ and he enjoyed working with our children very much. Reece outlined the creative writing process and worked with students to create the start of many spooky stories.

Third time lucky… the Athletics Carnival has been rescheduled to Tuesday 13th June at Bellingen High School. Thanks for your patience with this; between the rain and staff shortages it has been tricky to nail down the date, but I believe we are now good to go.
Have a great long weekend.
Peter Watts,
Weekly Awards
Congratulations to the following students, who received learning awards this week:
Lakota M-T - for continuing to display enthusiasm and a "can do" attitude when designing and constructing in Science.
Samo F - for his technical expertise when designing and constructing an 'anemometer' in Science.
Clay B - for his efforts in maths warm-up tasks and developing a sound understanding of division.
Jordan D - for her consistent efforts and determination in using her multiplication facts to help solve division sums without a calculator.
GEM (Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness) awards went to:
Patrick M - for the calm and peaceful manner which he displays in Year 2/3.
Canteen on THURSDAY Next Week
Canteen will be held on Thursday next week, which means orders need to be in by Tuesday afternoon.
2023 Parish Athletics Carnival
Our 2023 Parish Athletics Carnival with St Mary's of Bellingen will be held next Tuesday 13th June at Bellingen High School - see the Compass app for more information. There is no cost for this event.
Who - whole school
Where - Bellingen High School oval
When - Monday 5th June
Time - bus will depart school at 9am and return in time for after-school pick-up.
St Mary's School will be running a sausage sizzle for lunch on the day. Students should ensure to pack recess and plenty of water.
We welcome parent spectators and volunteers on the day!
Project Compassion

We are continuing to collect toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, brushes, combs, sanitary items, shampoo, deodorant, washing powder and warm items like socks and beanies, all of which will be donated to Pete's Place in Coffs Harbour to help homeless people in our local area.
St Vincent de Paul are also looking for any 2nd-hand drink bottles such as kids' drink bottles (not plastic PET water bottles).
Please help if you can - there is a basket at the front office in which to place your donations.
Thank you!
Louise Sprowles - LOSEC
Mini Vinnies Jumper Drive
Our Mini Vinnies group is holding a Jumper Drive this Winter. Do you have any warm jumpers in good condition that you no longer need? Please bring them to school by Monday 26th June and we will pass them on to St Vincent de Paul.
Thank you for your support!

Polding Trials - Girls Rugby 7s
See flyer below for information regarding Polding trials for Girls Rugby 7s. Those who nominate must be of representative standard. Please see Kim Brady if you are interested.

Term 2 School Fees
Term 2 school fees are now due, unless you are paying by regular direct debit amounts.
1 student - $290
2 students - $507.50
3 or more students - $652.50
Payment options are:
- using the Compass app - You can check your school fee balance and pay fees through the Compass app. Select more - school fees - next - and enter your credit card details. You have the option to pay in full or pay a portion of your fees.
- cash or cheque at school
- direct deposit to the school's bank account (see instructions below)
When using internet banking, please use your child’s surname as a reference.
Banancoast Community Credit Union
BSB no. 533-000
Account no. 3282 0430
Name: Mt St John’s Primary School
Remember, if you feel you will be unable to finalise your Term 1 school fees by this date, some financial assistance may be available from St Vincent de Paul - to make an appointment with them, call 0472 718862. You will need to take your school fee statement with you to your appointment.
Thank you!
2023 Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 9, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools. You must read a certain number of books to complete the Challenge. The Challenge closes for students on Friday August 18, 2023.
Congratulations to the following students, who have completed this year's Premier's Reading Challenge: Sophie C, Archer D, Larney F, Skylar W, Charlotte W, Elle W, Piper B, Lakota M-T, Patrick M, Hayley M, Jinky W, Cooper H, Makayla C.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Please visit the website below for information about the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD).
How to Cancel a Canteen Order
If you need to, you can cancel canteen orders before 9am on Friday mornings. If you know your child is going to be away you can go into Compass Canteen and select "cancel order".
The refunded money goes back into your Compass "wallet" so you can use it next time you order - when you get to the Confirm & pay screen, click on the down arrow and select Compass Credit.

School Facebook Page
Check out our school Facebook page! It is wonderful to be able to share the good news of our school with our families and community.
Library Day - Wednesday

Library day for all students is Wednesday - please make sure your child brings in his or her cloth library bag on this day. Each student may borrow four books per week.
School Bus Travel
Applications for student travel can be made online. Apply here
School Drive Subsidy
The School Drive Subsidy is available for eligible school students where there is no public transport available for all or part of the journey. If you have to drive your child more than 1.6km to a school bus stop, you may be eligible for this subsidy – go to the link below to apply.
GLUE "God Loves Us Eternally" KidsClub is held each Wednesday during term time from 3-5pm at the Anglican Hall. Afternoon tea, games, fun worship and craft. All primary kids in Years 1-6 are welcome, as are newcomers. For more info, ring Gwenneth on 6657 2135. COVID-safe practices will apply.

North Coast Health Connect

North Coast Health Connect is a free new service providing health support and advice from registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including public holidays. If you are a resident or visitor to the North Coast, you can speak or live chat with a nurse. The nurse will ask some questions to understand what’s troubling you and then provide advice on what your next step should be.
This may include self-care advice to help you to manage your health (or that of a loved one) from home, or the nurse may recommend a GP appointment or a consultation with a pharmacist. The nurses are able to book an appointment for you directly with a local general practice or pharmacy or if appropriate, can transfer you to a 24/7 GP telehealth service. If the nurse believes you need to attend an emergency department or see a different health service, they will let you know.
Visit the link below for more info and save as a contact for when you need it by visiting https://qrco.de/bdkiJm or by scanning the QR code below.

Bellingen Readers & Writers Festival Free Children’s Events

Games afternoon @Dorrigo Library

Healthy Lunchbox Website
Cancer Council’s Healthy Lunch Box website is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about packing a healthy lunch box. For recipes, information and health tips please visit the website below.