This is run by the P & F Association and can only operate with the services of volunteer parents. It operates for recess and lunch on Fridays.
Canteen ordering is via an online system. Go to and follow the instructions.
Tip – if you load your MySchoolConnect account via bank transfer rather than Paypal or credit card, you will avoid paying the credit card fee.
Please contact the school if you need help setting up your account. Additional items are sold at the canteen at recess and lunchtime, and the children may bring money to purchase these items. If you are available to assist on the canteen one or more Fridays each term, please contact the school.
8:30am Teacher supervision of playground begins. Any child arriving before this time must sit in the designated areas and not play until supervision begins.
8:55am First bell. Children assemble.
9:00am Classes commence.
11:00am Recess.
11:30am Classes resume.
12.45pm Lunch. 1:20pm Assembly.
1:25pm Classes resume.
3:10pm Children dismissed. Supervision of car park and bus lines.
As supervision commences at 8.30am, please ensure that your child does not arrive at school before this time. Please make an effort to have your child at school before the first bell. Late arrivals will disrupt the class and children miss out on valuable school time.